
Top 5 Road Trips in India To Explore

India is a country of  diifrent Colours, Culture & Combination of  Mountains, rivers , desert, waterfall & other wonderfull things. You can vist anywhere in india & explore the every site of india. In My expreince i am giving these Top 5 road trips to Explore From every corner of india you should visit once in a lifetime.

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Chhath Puja : Festival Of Bihar

Chhath Puja : Festival Of Bihar   In India Many festivals are celebrated in Hindu religion, all of which are dedicated to different Gods and Goddesses, major festivals include Holi, Navratra, Dushra & Diwali,( Five days festival include Dhanteras Narak Chaturdashi Diwali Govardhan puja & Bhai doj )  and one festival is Chhath Puja, which … Read more

Dhanteras: The Festival Of Health & Wealth

Dhanteras, also known as Dhanatrayodashi, is a Hindu festival that marks the beginning of the five-day Diwali festival, which is widely celebrated in India and by Hindus around the world.This festival related to Wealth & health. many of us we worship & know about goddess laxmi who associted to wealth but we should  also known for Dahnvantri Dev the lord of Ayurveda Who heals us from health related problems. Dhanteras comes  on the 13th day of Hindu lunar month of Kartik (usually in October or November) so we say Dhanteras:  festival of Health & Wealth so with this thought we should stuti bhava who fullfill our wealth & health needs.

Dhanwantri God Of Health & Wealth

The festival of Dhanteras is not just about wealth as we have known for a long time But also for health because there are many popular stories of Dhanteras, one of which is about Dhanvantari Dev who had brought Amrit Kalash, who is the God of Ayurveda who heals health related problems and its logic we often says sometime Health is Wealth. Its shubh for buy  new material gold silver steel in indian culture but also about ensuring the well-being of our loved ones. Lord Dhanvantari reminds us of the importance of health and healing. It’s an opportunity to express gratitude for the blessings of good health and prosperity that we have received.

Rangoli - Wikipedia

The Rituals and Traditions: for Festival Of Dhanteras

  1. Cleaning & Decoration Preparations for Dhanteras begin with cleaning and decorating homes. Home Decorated with Colourful Diyas , Lamp & other decorative items taken by grahlaxmi & make rangoli at doorstep for positive vibes.
  2. Precious Metal Purchase :It is considered in hindu religion highly auspicious to buy precious metals on Dhanteras. These metals symbolize wealth and financial stability, and people often invest in new gold jewelry, utensils or coin.
  3. Prayers and Stuti : Special prayers and pujas are performed in homes and temples. Many choose to fast on this day and break it after listen story in  the evening puja. Some of many taking blessing from lord Dhanvantri & Goddess Laxmi.
  4. Exchange of Gifts: Dhanteras is also a time for sharing love and good fortune with family and friends. The exchange of gifts, particularly sweets and delicacies, is a common tradition.
  5. Pray for Health   : Take blessing from god for good health for self & loved ones

On the occasion of Dhanteras we get blessing from god & our elders for positive vibes in our life.

As the sun sets on Dhanteras, the glow of Diyas and the sound of chants fill the air, creating an ambiance of serenity and hope. This festival is a reminder that true prosperity is a combination of health and wealth. It’s a time to express gratitude, share blessings, and set the stage for the grand celebration of Diwali that follows.

On this Dhanteras, may we all find the perfect balance of health and wealth, and may the light of prosperity shine in our lives. Wishing to your loved ones for good health.

Wishing you all a Happy Dhanteras and a prosperous future ahead!

Happy Dhanteras





Top 5 Spiritual Attraction Holy Place To Watch In India

Top 10 Holy Place In India / BharatTop 5 Spiritual Attraction Holy Place

India is a land of diverse cultures and religions, and it’s home to numerous Spiritual Attraction Holy Place that you can visit any time in india . Here are some of the most revered and beautiful holy places in India that are particularly enjoyable to visit for make your a blessed spiritual Journey.

1.Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

Boating Varanasi

Varanasi Is Spiritual Heart Of India is an excellent place to visit in the winter. The ghats along the Ganges River, temples, and the spiritual atmosphere are truly magical. Don’t forget to witness the Ganga Aarti at Dashashwamedh Ghat. There Is Famous Manikarnika Ghat also worthful watching to revive positive energy in yourself.

2. Amritsar , Punjab 

Golden Temple

The Golden Temple, also known as Harmandir Sahib, is the holiest Sikh shrine. Built by Fourth Guru Ramdas, Visiting the temple in winter is ideal, as the weather is cooler, and the temple’s golden façade shines even more beautifully.  it is one of Top 5 Spiritual Attraction Holy Place in india should be visit.

3. Rishikesh & Haridwar Uttarakhand 

Ganga Aarti

These twin towns along the banks of the Ganges River offer spiritual solace and are especially pleasant to visit in the winter months. Attend the Ganga Aarti at Har Ki Pauri in Haridwar and explore the various ashrams and yoga centers in Rishikesh. In Rishikesh you can a adventure of river rafting. these place are combo of adventure attraction & Spiritual attraction.

4.Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh:

Free Facade of a Temple Stock Photo

The Tirumala Venkateswara Temple, dedicated to Lord Balaji, is one of the wealthiest and most-visited temples in the world. The winter months offer pleasant weather for the pilgrimage. it is importance holy place in Hinduism there spiritualty gives you more positive energy to improve your life a person should be go in there lifetime.


5.Jagannath Puri, OdishaHoly Place In Puri


The Jagannath Temple in Puri is famous for the Rath Yatra and is a significant pilgrimage destination. The winter months are more comfortable for exploring the temple and the town. Its Temple of Shree Krishna Bhagawan. Its specialty no sound in temple of sea & its flag flew in opposite side of wind &  Its  One of significant pilgrimage sites are part of the Char Dham Yatra.

When You visiting These Place yo will find that’s your mind so peaceful & Soul Is spiritual for make some positive vibes. these are top 5 Spiritual Attraction Holy Place for you spiritual journey of life. You Can Visit Top 10 Holy Place Of India for more Experience of spiritual life & holy Place  


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