
Chhath Puja : Festival Of Bihar

Chhath Puja : Festival Of Bihar


In India Many festivals are celebrated in Hindu religion, all of which are dedicated to different Gods and Goddesses, major festivals include Holi, Navratra, Dushra & Diwali,( Five days festival include Dhanteras Narak Chaturdashi Diwali Govardhan puja & Bhai doj )  and one festival is Chhath Puja, which is dedicated to the worship of the sun god, and his consort, Usha. This festival is predominantly celebrated in the Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh. Its festival called festival of Bihar. It Dedicated to nature & nature give us so many things without any complain so then should be Stuti Bhava.

Happy chhath puja festival

What Is Chhath Puja : A Divine Connection with the Sun

A festival dedicated to sun ( Surya Dev ) & make a divine connection with the sun. Chhath Puja, a vibrant and soul-stirring festival holds a special place people of India specially people of Bihar & northan state. its a emotion of millions hearts. Chhath Puja usually falls six days after Diwali, in the month of October or November. This festival associated with ancient tradition and spirituality is dedicated to Lord Sun.

Its also Connected with Mata Chhath Who writes our destiny & wife of Lord Kartikey.  The word “Chhath” refers to the number six in Hindi, and the festival is celebrated on the sixth day of the Hindu lunar month of Kartika. On this Day people wishes for their good health & family Growth. This four days celebration festival make happier with ritual & tradition


Rituals & Tradition For Chhath Puja 


Happy chhath puja


Day 1: Nahay Khay

The festival commences with Nahay Khay, where devotees take a purifying dip in rivers, ponds, or other water bodies. This ritual symbolizes the cleansing of the mind and body. After the bath, a special meal, typically consisting of rice and gourd (kaddu-bhat), is prepared and consumed. The atmosphere is filled with anticipation as families gather to kick off the auspicious festival.

Day 2: Lohanda and Kharna

On the second day, devotees observe a fast throughout the day, breaking it in the evening after offering prayers to the setting sun. The meal, known as kharna, includes kheer (sweetened rice) and fruits. This day is a testament to the devotees’ dedication and discipline as they endure the fast in reverence to Surya.

Day 3: Sandhya Arghya

The third day marks the Sandhya Arghya, an evening ritual where devotees stand in water and offer prayers to the setting sun. The riverbanks and ghats come alive with the flickering flames of earthen lamps and the aroma of incense. The offerings, ranging from sugarcane to seasonal fruits, symbolize gratitude and seek blessings for the well-being of family and community.

Day 4: Usha Arghya

The final day of Chhath Puja, Usha Arghya, is a breathtaking spectacle. Devotees gather at the riverbanks before sunrise, facing the east, and offer prayers to the rising sun. The rhythmic chants, traditional songs, and the tranquil beauty of the dawn create a spiritual ambiance. This ritual symbolizes the continuity of life and the divine connection between humans and the sun.


Chhath Puja reflects the agrarian roots of the region, expressing gratitude for a good harvest and seeking blessings for prosperity. The festival also holds ecological significance, emphasizing the importance of clean water bodies and a harmonious coexistence with nature.



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