
Story Of Karva Chauth

India is country of festival & Every Festival Has Different Story. There is a festival Known As ” Karva Chauth” It Festival Related to Husband & Wife relationship. Its Festival Make Bond & Love To each other. Its Ritual To Increase Husband Age & Long Live. So There Many Stories of it but Two Stories are Famous So Lets Introduce Story Of Karva Chauth To You From Them. This type Ritual & Story In Our Culture So We Should Be praised to It. So Come & Let’s “Stuti Bhava” From Pure Hearts.

1 “Story Of Karva Mata” 

Evey One Know About Sati Savtri Story Who Took life of his Husband From Yamraj Therefore A Another Story Of like that there another Goddess Story. The story of Karva Chauth has Start from a long time ago  Goddess Karva lived with her husband near the Tungabhadra river. One day when Karva’s husband went to take bath in the river, a crocodile caught hold of his leg and started pulling him into the river. Seeing death approaching, Karwa’s husband started calling Karva. Karva ran to the river and saw the crocodile taking her husband to his death. Karva immediately took a raw thread and tied the crocodile to a tree. Due to Karva’s chastity, the crocodile was tied in such a way that it was unable to move away. The lives of both Karva’s husband and the crocodile were in danger.
Karva called out to Yamraj and asked him to give life to her husband and to give death penalty to the crocodile. Yamraj said, I cannot do this because the crocodile’s life is still left and your husband’s life is over. Angered, Karva said to Yamraj, if you do not do this, I will curse you.
Frightened by the curse of Sati, Yamraj immediately sent the crocodile to Yamlok and gave life to Karva’s husband. Therefore, during the fast of Karva Chauth, married women pray to Karva Mata that, O Karva Mata, just as you brought back your husband from the jaws of death, protect my husband too. Its Complete First story of Karva chauth.  


2. “Story Of Single Sister Of Seven Brothers”
A moneylender had seven sons and one daughter. Once, on the Chaturthi date of Krishna Paksha of Kartik month, Sethani along with her seven daughters-in-law and her daughter also observed the fast of Karva Chauth. At night, when all the moneylender’s sons sat down to eat, he asked his sister to have food as well. On this the sister said – Brother, the moon has not risen yet. I will eat food today only after offering water to the moon after it rises
The moneylender’s son loved his sister very much, he was very sad to see his sister’s face distraught with hunger. The moneylender’s sons went outside the city and climbed a tree and lit a fire there. After coming back home he said to his sister – Look sister, the moon has came out. Now you offer Arghya to them and eat food. The moneylender’s daughter said to her sisters-in-law – Look, the moon has come out, you all should also offer Arghya and have food.
Hearing the words of sister-in-law, the sisters-in-law said – Sister, the moon has not risen yet, your brothers are cheating by lighting a fire and showing its light to you in the form of the moon. The moneylender’s daughter, ignoring the advice of her sisters-in-law, offered water to the moon shown by her brothers and had food. In this way, due to breaking the fast of Karva Chauth, Lord Shri Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, became displeased with the moneylender’s daughter.
Due to Lord Ganesha’s displeasure, the girl’s husband fell ill and all the money left in the house was spent on his illness. When the moneylender’s daughter came to know about the sins she had committed, she felt very remorseful. He prayed for forgiveness from Lord Ganesha and again started the Chaturthi fast as per the rituals. He respectfully respected all the people present and then took blessings from them.
In this way, seeing the devotion of that girl, the one-toothed Lord Ganesha became pleased with her and gave life to her husband. He was freed from all kinds of diseases and filled with wealth, property and glory. Karva Chauth Mata Ki Jai!

Thank You……….



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