
Why is “Murti Puja Done ?

Murti Puja is part of our life we  believe that our worship is not done till we didn’t worship of our idol in home & temple. it is also important that  “Murti Puja” (idol Worship), or the worship of divine idols, holds an important place in various religious and cultural practices throughout the world. in this article we will know What are the things that connect us to the idol and deepen the relationship between the devotee and God. Why Murti Puja Done ?


If i say that murti puja is not part of our vedas, you would not believe but it true  & other Religious also don’t believed in murti puja like baudha dharma , jain dharama are not supporting murti puja but now it’s part of our life what are the reason it became famous.  

The Reason of Murti Puja Done 

Culture Importance :

Murti Puja is deeply ingrained in the cultural and traditional practices of various communities. It is often associated with festivals, rituals, and ceremonies that have been passed down through generations. 

Murti Pooja plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of community and shared identity among believers. The elaborate rituals and ceremonies associated with idol worship bring people together, creating a shared space for spiritual growth and cultural exchange. Festivals centered around Murti Pooja, such as Diwali, Navaratri, and Ganesh Chaturthi, become vibrant celebrations uniting communities in devotion and joy.

Spiritual Connection and Devotion:

Murti Puja is a means of establishing a personal and intimate connection with the divine. Devotees believe that through the act of worship, they can express their love, gratitude, and devotion to the deity. It becomes a way to seek blessings, guidance, and spiritual strength for navigating life’s challenges. In India so many spiritual attraction you can visit for mental piece & make divine relationship with god.  


Physiology & Habitual Concept

In Murti Puja / Idol worship , its important role of physiology. Many people have a daily routine & Its  makes a habit of doing such thinghs that believe they got physical & mental peace. So many people visit temple & do Murti Puja for mental peace & habitual environment.


Save Ancient Art : 

How old a country is is reflected in its civilization and art. Whenever archaeologists find some ancient objects and things related to religion then it becomes a major topic that how to protect it from thieves and make people aware of its identity so according to the religious custom they are used with devotion in the daily routine of the people. Installed in the temple, with which they develop attachment with time. Due to its fascination, the devotee will not allow it to be harmed and will be saved from committing sins. This is one of the reasons behind the popularity of idol worship.


Express The Feeling  : 

In Present time depression in increasing day by day due to not believe in people so they can’t share the feeling. People assumption people will make fun of them so people visit temple & share own feeling to their god they believe a supreme power live in Murti & it will resolve the problem & Depression reduced by sharing thought. It way of express the feeling to their loveable person. Its based this situation we can say ancient time people not found a perfect person to express their feeling so they build their god idol  & share feeling to it or it become famous & part of life.


Aid to Concentration: 

Compared to the other three yugas, the power to concentrate is less in Kaliyuga. Although it is necessary to control one’s senses in all the Yugas, but this possibility is more in the other three Yugas also, but this possibility is not equal in Kaliyuga or it is not easy for every virtuous person, hence God’s In meditation to express our deep faith in Him, we can close our eyes and concentrate on some divine idol in our mind so that other things do not come to us

murti puja

In conclusion, Murti Puja serves as a multifaceted practice that combines cultural, spiritual, and symbolic dimensions. It provides a tangible means for individuals to express their faith, devotion, and reverence towards the divine, fostering a deeper connection with the spiritual aspects of life.



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